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Thursday, April 8, 2010


If your man isn't going to be there to persee your baby's future upkeep, He doesn't have any right to tell you when its time o make one.

It doesn't matter what the constitution has laid down, or what is under the royal seal, what matters are the words of Charles Dickens, "the law is an ass, a idiot."

Abortion is illegal, they say. Suicide is a crime, ditto, ditto. If the government can't feed its nation,-we are dying of hunger; why should it send me behind bars for attempting to take my life rather than have it plucked off by a natural calamity.

And, if the government is so poor to educate its citizens, give them jobs, provide it with basic human necessities, why should I be denied my right to give birth to what I can handle?

They presume that I should have been careful from the very beginning; a condom costs just 10 shillings! 10 shillings is however too much for me... With it I can buy 'sukumawiki' kales and paraffin. To them, that's just but a penny because they rip it off my sweat, but for me, that's a fortune for I've energetically and enthusiastically worked for it from dawn to dusk.

They are now calling it murder...life begins at conception? It's not about what is wrong or right, what's ethical or non-ethical...at such times, we have to forget what is right and act upon what is good.

If I'm truly a murderer because of denying my unborn baby a life of misery and a curse of living in a slum, eating a meal a day, relying on relief food, lacking a good education, getting misused by the politicians...I'll be comfortable to be pronounced guilty.

However, my guilt won't be as immense as those who murder in bulk to quench their political thirst, murder those who gave them those powers, those who hold opposing views...despite being in a free nation to express one's right of expression and opinion(s).

We; girls, women and mothers have got strong instincts. We'll know about the kind of child we'll have long before its due. Just imagine that abortion was legally affordable and accessible for our mothers. They'd have aborted hat corrupt Member of Parliament (MP) of yours, the rapists, egocentric men' the list is endless!

If the church, legislature, etc are anti-abortion, next time you get a child because you couldn't get rid of it early enough; ladies, dump it on these people's front door.



  1. Nice post well written. Though i would not support abortion.
    If u dont want to have child, why get pregnant.

  2. I would rather women dump these children on the front doors of institutions. That way they will be taught that no matter who they are, they can still become someone great.

    I'm not supporting any of these institutions, all I did was think deeply about it: and at the end of the day I knew instinctively that once a sperm unites with an egg, a new life has already come into the world. It's hard to imagine that it is the right thing to do to terminate that life. I've tried really hard to understand it, but I keep coming back to the same point.

  3. &NBB, thanks. I too I don't support them, but who knows what would happen if I were caught in such a compromising situation?

    &Jaycee, thanks too. What matters however is the time they spent with you before they get to become that someone great.The debate is open, with strong arguments from both sides, and coming to a conclusion will never be easy, I bet the right move to make is stand on what you believe in.
