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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The End of Times

A while back I was reading a book about the end times. I neither have a problem in keeping warm in hell nor do I hate dressing up in fancy linen and feeding on honey and milk; then posing with Samson on one side and John the Baptist on the other...  The day is very near; and though I look forward to its coming, there are days that I would rather never see it fall. 

If Christ is to return; He need not come on a Sunday before I go to church to repent my sins; otherwise I'll be left behind:
Monday would be a good day; so that I won't have to report to work...oh...sorry, He may end up finding me nursing a hangover:
I would have loved him to come for me on a Wednesday, when I'm all ready; but that means that I will have to miss the Ladies night:
Friday too isn't a good day; I need to go to heaven when am holy; and I don't want Him to take me when I'm full of stress and from the bar:
I also do not want Him to come on a Saturday morning and wake me off my sleep that I never got to enjoy for the entire week:
End month; no way!  I want to first enjoy my salary...

Now that I have though of it; I plan to wait for Christ's second coming on a Tuesday; when I got too much paperwork to handle.  Thursday would also do...and that would mean that I start my weekend in style.  Any of these two days is okay with me; as long as it's in the middle of the month when am broke and lost interest in life. 

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Hon. Charity Ngilu-Guilty as Charged?

The wise men said;  'Charity begins at home',
Why then do Kenyans expect Hon. Charity Ngilu to start it elsewhere.  The ones pointing fingers at the iron lady are those who come from the greener parts of the country.  I grew up seeing women from Ukambani walk long kilometers without food and water...and with malnourished kids on their back...come to our place to beg for food.  The day I saw some eat ugali that had already gone bad made me realize that something was truly wrong somewhere.

We are tired of seeing our fellow people seek the help of Red Cross and USAID.  When one of us comes and helps them...its termed as tribalism.  Where were the water minister supposed to initiate these projects; in Kibera, or is it in Kitale?  I'm totally behind this lady.  What she has been able to do cannot get a reward from this country.  We will only acknowledge her efforts when she wins an International award; or during her funeral.

It's been years since I last saw people from Kamba land in our region.  Not that we have broken the ties...but knowing that they are now independent makes me feel good.  As for those baying for Ngilu's dismissal, only God can understand you.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What Made 'Ghost' Mulee Leave

When I heard him say that he was leaving; I thought to myself-are we supposed to feel for him or what?  Mr. Jacob Mulee has been riding this very same vehicle and leaving it halfway through; only to come for it after a couple of seasons.  This time round, everyone who loves Kenya hopes that we won't get to see him back.

It all started with him saying that his team was after goals, which they got, but; the rival team scored more than they did.  The very moment those words left his mouth I was sure that that was one man without a purpose and faith for his team.  We know that the KFF has always had problems, but these---  The guy goes ahead to blame the management for poor leadership, lack of financing and what not.  If he isn't the management, who is?

There comes a time that a man has to accept defeat;...  This is what we need to do.  Dissolve the entire KFF and concentrate on more important things than making goals.  What more do we want when we already the world's best long distance athletic runners, rugby players, women volleyballers and heavy-weight international boxing champions.  If we need to see goals, we can always ask Dennis Oliech and the handsome Macdonald Mariga to show us how its done. 

The decision made by 'Ghost' Mulee proves that he is a man with a vision, integrity and knows when its time to show a white flag.  Had the KFF raised their eyebrows a little higher, they would have seen it all coming by taking a closer look at 'The Team'. 

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I'm a Gold Digger

It amazes me how men think that all that women look for in a man is cash.  Yes, we have been called gold diggers, social climbers and hookers.  But, have you ever taken notice on who really calls us these names.  Only the depreciated people; those without a single penny in their account know the meaning of these names.  I have never heard those names come out of Richard Bradson's or Bill Gate's mouth... hey, but how many times have I heard them from Kamau, Odhiambo and Mutuku?

Such a name comes about when he takes you for coffee and he expects you to chip in the bill; when he wants to go rent a movie for you to watch when you want to watch a play at the theater; when he wants to take you out using public transport when he could have hired a taxi.

Of course he will say that you were after his money-money that he never had. What money were you after when you first met him under the rain at the train station waiting for the train?  But you know what, if you dare help him with cash, he will opt to drink it all at the local pub-or buy tickets for some silly game. 

With time I've come to realize that there only men who are still down there believe that there are gold diggers-because they spent 1,000 shillings on a movie, they had coffee that cost 2,000 and that she demanded for imported chocolates for her birthday.  What he doesn't understand is that she wasn't looking at the number of zeros; but the special moments and things that the two of them did together.