The missed heartbeats
The cold shivers that left me sweating
The sweet smells of your cologne-full of love
I could forever think of you, live for you, die for you
I could have held you close, and my heart would always be your peaceful dwelling
I coulda, woulda, shoulda stood by you, amidst the roughest storm, and laughed with you on an easy Sunday morning
We would have held hands down the street
Counted stars under the moonlight
Kissed at the site of the rainbow
Made love first thing at dawn
Grown gray by each other's side
Though you crushed my heart
I still got the memories, so dear and close I hold them
I'll cherish you for the little time you possessed my heart, thoughts and fantasies
...now that you given them to another...
I know I wrote this, and if its wrong to love it...I got no regrets for being forever wrong