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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Kenya's FM Watchdog

Isn't every young Kenyan persuing a certificate, diploma or degree in Mass Communication? Despite the media industry having been saturated for a couple of years, young people aren't yet ready to give up...they are more competitive than you may think.

Why the sudden media craze? Maybe its because of the money, fame, rubbing of shoulders with the creme de la creme of this our society... Or is it because we are all idiolizing Chris Kirubi, Patrick Quackoo (sic), the Agakhan... If I'm wrong, then it must be the high admiration of the makes of Carol Mutuko, Shaffie, Munene Nyagah, Maina Kageni, Eve de Souza...

Its sends me into thinking...why the hussle...and what for?

So far, there is absoultely nothing to admire about these radio stations(I hope my freedom of expression won't by any chance deter my ambition of working in one of these media houses). They are so many in number, and I'm sure that even the CCK-Communication Commission of Kenya can't tell their exact number. A new FM radio stations pops up every other new morning!

What is disheartening is the fact that the media is the most highly trusted organization in Kenya. And I wonder, what's there to trust anyway?

The radio personalities have turned the airwaves into a Paganistic 'haki yetu' demonstrations. Don't these people undertake a course in Media Law/ Ethics, what of the code pf conduct, inhouse style guide books... On the same hand, what about its role in agenda setting, social responsibility????

I tune to Waumini FM on Sunday, and, the Catholic hymns they play...they inhibits sleepiness. No wonder in Church during Mass, they sing while standing; but, do they still expect us to tune in while standing too? As for their presenters, do they have to sound bored all through the day?

Easy FM...well, no exemption whatsoever. She is all easy, all romantic, all sexy-all the time! The presenters even talk in slow motion! That Rn'B stuff too gets boring for being over exaggerated. Yes we need love and all that lovvy duvvyness, but not all around the clock!

Mmmh..lets talk Homeboyz Radio. One, they talk far way too too much, and its the type of talk that don't add up to anything of value. I wonder if their presenters are educated in that profession or they gain the skills through apprenticeship. Talk G Money, he doesn't make no radio material... They diss on air, curse, insult,'flush' callers/songs... Funny enough, they run a 'media school'. Is CCK aware? And as for the Trinity Connect, its so unreal! They are different yes from their fellow co-workers, but, who needs the holier than thou lot? I bet tha Jesus was way under their holiness. They don't date/befriend non-christians, won't kiss till marriage, can't know no secular artistes and their music...

Ms. National Broadcaster...KBC. She has seen the test of times, gained experience, nurtured many-but doesn't adapt to change. I just hate the way those presenters talk...is that a must learn tone for all presenters? The way some of them talk at the late night shows is like they are in a mid norning/evening drive show; interrupting songs to pick up calls, cut off songs halfway; at times play music that has scratches; with irregular pitch levels-like they use an almost run-out battery.

Classic 105, totally different. Isn't it fun, off the hook, the leading station in terms of audience attendance? However, it's like bringing audio pornography into our living rooms. No censorship-though they have a lot of knowledge in terms of use of euphemisms. It's also on the fore front when it comes to the degradation of the woman. Plus, the music, they can do better, it's not always out of this world! Music repetition is a big NO NO...unless their financial wellbeing is hitting the rocks.

Lets talk Kiss 100. Should every intern/new employee start in the gossip specialization deparment? It's so irritating that you may generate lots of hate for all whom it concerns. The music, they need to open up to newer genres. I just wonder whether they carry out a single research on their audiences and learn of their tastes and preferences.

Capital is one beauty who is like Mariah Carey, age makes her better and more appealing by the day. However, if that Solo guy and those other ladies in there continue keeping their presence, it may topple over very much soon. At the same time, it's one station that doesn't know the value of maintaining relationships. Has anyone ever been there for at most six months-with the exemption of Eve... They still got to know their business is in the Kenyan market, and that, that queer accent they employ is so so irritating to our ears.


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