A while back I was reading a book about the end times. I neither have a problem in keeping warm in hell nor do I hate dressing up in fancy linen and feeding on honey and milk; then posing with Samson on one side and John the Baptist on the other... The day is very near; and though I look forward to its coming, there are days that I would rather never see it fall.
If Christ is to return; He need not come on a Sunday before I go to church to repent my sins; otherwise I'll be left behind:
Monday would be a good day; so that I won't have to report to work...oh...sorry, He may end up finding me nursing a hangover:
I would have loved him to come for me on a Wednesday, when I'm all ready; but that means that I will have to miss the Ladies night:
Friday too isn't a good day; I need to go to heaven when am holy; and I don't want Him to take me when I'm full of stress and from the bar:
I also do not want Him to come on a Saturday morning and wake me off my sleep that I never got to enjoy for the entire week:
End month; no way! I want to first enjoy my salary...
Now that I have though of it; I plan to wait for Christ's second coming on a Tuesday; when I got too much paperwork to handle. Thursday would also do...and that would mean that I start my weekend in style. Any of these two days is okay with me; as long as it's in the middle of the month when am broke and lost interest in life.